76: Story Telling to Build Your Business with Barbara Mannino

**The Power of Storytelling in Business: Connect with Customers and Build Your Brand**

As a business owner, you want to stand out from the competition and connect with your customers on a deeper level. But how do you achieve that? According to marketing strategist Lori Lyons and career writer Barbara Menino, the answer lies in storytelling.

In a recent podcast episode, Lori and Barbara discussed the importance of using stories to create effective brand messages and connect with customers. They emphasized the power of emotions and personal experiences in storytelling, and how it can make a huge impact on the success of your business.

Barbara explained that a story is not just a simple telling, but a purposeful narrative with a hero who has an aspiration or problem to solve. As a business person, you are the guide who has the solution to their problem or the key to finding their aspiration. The story takes the hero on a journey with bumps in the road, a turning point, and a successful outcome. Barbara emphasized that emotion is a key factor in storytelling and how it connects with people.

But what if you don’t have an interesting story to tell? Barbara reassures listeners that everyday experiences can be turned into compelling stories with the right structure and emotional delivery. She encourages listeners to be aware of their surroundings and to write down any ideas or experiences that could be turned into a story.

Barbara and Lori also discussed the importance of finding and sharing personal stories in business. They distinguished between a brand’s major story, which is the anchor that includes the business’s history, struggles, and values, and minor stories, which are customer wins, testimonials, employee stories, and reactions to current events.

In conclusion, storytelling can be a powerful tool to build your brand and connect with your customers. As Barbara said, “a story can launch a rocket ship to the moon or use a ouija board to raise the dead.” So don’t be afraid to share your personal experiences and emotions with your audience. It could make all the difference in the success of your business.

Check out this episode!


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