The Encore Entrepreneur

221: Is Professionalism in the Workplace All About Appearance?

In this episode of “The Encore Entrepreneur,” Lori delves into the significance of professionalism, appearance, and confidence in the workplace. She explores generational differences, noting that older generations often link professional attire with respect and credibility, while younger generations value individuality and comfort. Lori underscores the importance of aligning one’s appearance with the expectations of […]

221: Is Professionalism in the Workplace All About Appearance? Read More »

220: Elevating Your Bottom Line with Style with Deborah Fawaz

In this podcast episode, Lori and Deborah Fawaz, a personal stylist and makeup artist, delve into the significance of appearance, color analysis, makeup, and clothing choices. Lori underscores the impact of first impressions, while Deborah explains color analysis and its role in selecting suitable clothing and makeup. They discuss the importance of makeup for professional

220: Elevating Your Bottom Line with Style with Deborah Fawaz Read More »

219: The Most Effective Strategies for Increasing Entrepreneurial Visibility

In this episode, Lori underscores the importance of visibility for entrepreneurs and explores various strategies to achieve it. She highlights the benefits of being active on social media, in-person stages, and virtual stages. Practical tips are provided for succeeding on virtual stages, such as using good equipment and engaging effectively with the audience. Lori also

219: The Most Effective Strategies for Increasing Entrepreneurial Visibility Read More »

218: Speaking Your Value and Worth with Krista Martin

In this episode of The Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, Lori welcomes guest Krista Martin to discuss the strategic use of speaking to grow a business. Krista emphasizes the importance of leveraging speaking engagements to position oneself as an authority, create quick income leaps, and attract committed clients. They explore challenges women face in valuing their expertise

218: Speaking Your Value and Worth with Krista Martin Read More »

217: Smart Money Moves for Small Business Success

In this episode, Lori dives into the crucial topic of money management—vital for both new entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners. Managing your business finances goes beyond basic bookkeeping; it’s about making strategic decisions that foster long-term stability and growth. Lori talks about the top ten financial habits that successful entrepreneurs swear by. From crafting a

217: Smart Money Moves for Small Business Success Read More »

216: Transform Your Financial DNA with Robbie Mathews

In this episode of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, Lori welcomes financial transformation strategist Robbie Mathews. Robbie discusses the critical need for Americans to improve their financial habits, noting that over 50% have less than $1000 saved. She emphasizes understanding spending habits, setting financial goals, and distinguishing between needs and wants. Robbie shares personal strategies for

216: Transform Your Financial DNA with Robbie Mathews Read More »

215: How Can Comedy and Improv Skills Enhance Your Business Branding? With Hersh Rephun

In this episode of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, Lori interviews Hersh Rephun, founder of Yes Brand. They delve into Hersh’s diverse background in stand-up comedy, advertising, and filmmaking, and how these experiences have shaped his unique approach to branding and messaging. Hersh emphasizes the importance of humor and improv skills in business, explaining how they

215: How Can Comedy and Improv Skills Enhance Your Business Branding? With Hersh Rephun Read More »

214: Creating Irresistible Lead Magnets: The Key to Client Engagement

In this episode, Lori talks about the crucial role of lead magnets in business growth. She offers practical advice on crafting lead magnets that effectively expand an email list and connect with prospective customers. Emphasizing the exchange of valuable content for contact information, Lori shares strategies for engaging clients via email. Various lead magnet types,

214: Creating Irresistible Lead Magnets: The Key to Client Engagement Read More »

213: Aligning Your Message to Attract Clients with Kimberly Weitkamp

In this episode of “The Encore Entrepreneur,” Lori welcomes guest Kimberly Weitkamp, a marketing expert who specializes in helping coaches develop their unique marketing ecosystems.  Kimberly emphasizes the importance of creating a lead magnet that serves as an inviting entry point into a business’s world, rather than just a freebie with little perceived value. She

213: Aligning Your Message to Attract Clients with Kimberly Weitkamp Read More »

212: Show Me the Money: Tips for Making Your Business More Profitable

In today’s episode, Lori, a seasoned business owner since 1994, shares strategies for intentional wealth creation in business. She emphasizes the importance of income diversification, offering multiple services to different client segments, and the synergy between these services. Lori provides practical advice on managing cash flow, reducing expenses, and making strategic investments in growth. She

212: Show Me the Money: Tips for Making Your Business More Profitable Read More »