16: Facebook Live: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

5 Tips for Perfection-Free Facebook Lives

Are you an entrepreneur or business owner looking to connect with your audience and build your brand? Do you feel nervous or unsure about doing Facebook Lives? Fear not! In this episode of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, ageless life strategist and coach Diana Debbie shares her experiences and tips for successful Facebook Lives.

Imperfection is key: Don’t focus on being perfect or polished. Authenticity and relatability are what make Facebook Lives engaging and memorable.

Show some personality: Share personal experiences and show compassion to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Think creatively: Use humor or interesting anecdotes to alleviate stress and tension, which can have positive effects on your body and even reverse aging.

Practice makes perfect: Don’t be afraid to leave up imperfect videos. They can still provide valuable learning experiences for others and help you improve over time.

Take action: Start doing Facebook Lives now, even if they are not perfect. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back from connecting with your audience and growing your business.

Remember, Facebook Live is a valuable tool for building the “know, like, and trust” factor with your audience. Let go of perfectionism, show your personality, and take action. You got this!


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