21: Pinning To Pinterest

Optimizing Your Pinterest Profile: Tips from a Pinterest Expert

Are you using Pinterest as a marketing tool for your business? If not, you could be missing out on a valuable opportunity to increase website traffic and drive sales. In a recent podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Sarah Aney, a Pinterest expert, about how to use Pinterest effectively for business.

One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the importance of having a clear goal when using Pinterest. Whether it’s growing your email list, selling your product, or increasing website traffic, having a main goal will help you stay focused and measure your success.

Consistency is also crucial when it comes to pinning on Pinterest. Sarah recommends spending at least 15-30 minutes daily on Pinterest to maintain consistency. Having a mix of personal boards, fun boards, and business topic boards will also help keep your content interesting and engaging for your audience.

When it comes to optimizing your Pinterest profile for search engines, Sarah suggests using keywords in your profile name and description. She also recommends using relevant keywords in your pins and posts, rather than hashtags, which are no longer clickable on Pinterest.

Using visually appealing graphics for your pins is another way to stand out on Pinterest. Sarah recommends using Canva to create eye-catching graphics for your pins.

If you’re an author, Pinterest can also be a valuable tool for promoting your book. Creating pins with the book cover and a link to where it can be purchased can help drive sales and increase visibility.

Overall, having a clear strategy and consistent branding on Pinterest is essential for increasing visibility and driving traffic to your website. To learn more about optimizing your Pinterest profile and generating leads, visit Sarah’s website, sarahaney.com, and take advantage of her free consultation calls and guide on how to monetize Pinterest.

Check out this episode!


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10 Ways to Up Your Pinterest Game which you can find on my website

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