84: Super Video Secrets to Grow Your Audience with Brad Powell of Awesome Videomakers

**5 Tips for Successful Video Marketing for Your Business**

Video marketing is an essential tool for any business looking to grow their personal brand and connect with their target audience. In this post, we’ll share five tips for successful video marketing based on the insights shared by Brad Powell, a video marketing strategist and digital marketer, in a recent podcast interview.

1. Keep it Short and Consistent: According to Powell, videos should be kept under two minutes and posted consistently across social media channels to increase visibility and engagement. Consistent video creation can lead to algorithm rewards and increased visibility on social media, potentially bringing in new clients.

2. Use a Scheduler: Powell recommends using a scheduler to post the videos across social media channels. This will save time and ensure that your videos are reaching your target audience at the right time.

3. Outsource Editing: While many business owners may feel they can handle their own marketing, it’s important to consider whether they can do it well and represent their brand effectively. Outsourcing the editing work to a professional can ensure a high-quality final product.

4. Build Relationships: Videos can help potential clients feel like they already know and trust you, making them more likely to work with you. Focus on building relationships with your audience and potential clients through your videos.

5. Consider Live Shows: Live shows can add a different energy and authenticity to your content, making it more relatable and engaging for the audience. Powell suggests that live streaming can be a good alternative to daily video posting, as it allows for more long-form content and can help build relationships with guests and audiences.

By following these tips, you can create effective video marketing strategies that will help you grow your personal brand and connect with your target audience. Don’t forget to check out Powell’s free resource of 40 video hooks for more ideas and prompts to get started!

Check out this episode!


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Super Simple Ways Anyone Can Create Video That Gets People To Take Action!

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