165: Susan Trumpler and Attracting Profitable Clients Online

Lori hosts Susan Trumpler, a seasoned sales and marketing coach.

Susan shares her insights on sales, aiming to help women entrepreneurs overcome the negative perception of sales. She emphasizes the importance of authenticity, offering valuable service, and addressing clients’ problems.

Susan also discusses the three key factors in influencing someone to do business: understanding the client’s needs, showing why you are the best choice, and creating a sense of urgency. Lori and Susan also cover the significance of addressing emotional objections, the power of follow-up, and the value of building relationships in business.

Susan’s gift to the audience is: The Six Step Formula for Creating Compelling Content.  Click here for her gift! 

Susan can be reached at:
Website: https://unstoppablewomeninbusiness.com

Social Media:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/susantrumpler/ https://www.instagram.com/unstoppablewomeninbusiness/ https://www.facebook.com/UWIBusiness

Check out this episode!

Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing? Messy to Magnetic: Unlocking the Secret to Effective Marketing is a free course that goes over the top 10 mistakes small business owners make with attracting their ideal client and converting those clients to leads. Click here for your free gift!

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