181: The Follow Up Rockstar: Making Networking Fun and Effective

In today’s episode, Lori hosts Ely Delaney from Rockstar Follow Up and the Meet Cool People podcast, who shares his expertise in email marketing and relationship building for knowledge experts. Lori and Ely talk about the importance of adding value through content and suggest an 80/20 rule for value versus promotional material in emails.

Ely advises to create simple, actionable lead magnets and he introduces his new podcast, “Meet Cool People.” Ely also highlights the effectiveness of personalized messages when networking and encourages listeners to connect with him his social media.

Lori and Ely’s episode finishes with a discussion on the significance of persistence and being ready for opportunities, underscoring the value of long-term relationships in business.

Connect with Ely:
Website URL: https://ElyDelaney.com

Connect with Ely on Social Media:



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