180: Is starting an online business right for you?

In today’s episode, Lori explores the intricacies of launching an online business. She delves into the benefits like flexible hours and global reach. And the downsides, such as stiff competition and security concerns.

This episode is rich with advice, from targeting the right audience to the necessity of a polished website and savvy social media use.

Lori stresses the significance of legal adherence, mobile-friendly design, valuing customer input, and income diversification. She warns against complacency regarding competitors and the illusion of instant success, advocating for strategic planning and adaptability in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Lori’s Resources:

Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing? “Messy to Magnetic: Unlocking the Secret to Effective Marketing” is a free course that goes over the top 10 mistakes small business owners make with attracting their ideal client and converting those clients to leads. Click here for your free gift!


Join Lori’s private Facebook group – Make Your Marketing Simple. Lori interviews her guests in the group (giving you advance listening!) and has a community of small business owners just like yourself to connect and grow their businesses. Join now! 


Schedule a Website Biz Accelerator call. Answer just a few questions and Lori will audit your website for the ONE biggest change you can make to your site to get more clients. Schedule here! 

Check out this episode!