120: The Importance of Visibility

How to Make Social Media Work for Your Business

Are you a small business owner struggling to make social media work for your business? LoriĀ  shares her expert tips on how to increase your social media visibility and make money for your business.

Lori says having engaging content and great videos is key to becoming visible on social media. However, she reminds us not to get caught up in the numbers and to stay focused on the ultimate goal of getting clients and making money. To do this, she suggests setting clear goals for your business and aligning your social media presence with those goals.

Lori emphasizes the importance of having a long-term strategy for social media and using it to make yourself visible in a positive way. She encourages small business owners to be themselves and share their unique brand message across all social media platforms.

To reach her target audience of midlife entrepreneurs, Lori creates consistent content and ensures her messaging is consistent across all social media platforms. She also stresses the importance of having a website that she owns, as social media is considered rented real estate.

Lori suggests participating in online communities, attending meetups, and networking events to expand your audience and increase visibility for your business. However, she reminds listeners to make sure they are getting a return on their investment and seeing results such as gaining clients and making money.

Social media can be a polarizing topic, but it’s a necessary tool for businesses in today’s age. Follow these tips to make social media work for your business while staying true to yourself. And don’t forget to check out Lori’s freebie, messy marketing.com, and her private Facebook group, Make Your Marketing Simple, for more marketing tips and support from like-minded business owners.

Check out this episode!


Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing? Messy to Magnetic: Unlocking the Secret to Effective Marketing is a free course that goes over the top 10 mistakes small business owners make with attracting their ideal client and converting those clients to leads. Click here for your free gift!

Join Lori’s private Facebook group – Make Your Marketing Simple. Lori interviews her guests in the group (giving you advance listening!) and has a community of small business owners just like yourself to connect and grow their businesses. Join now!

Schedule a Website Biz Accelerator. Answer just a few questions and Lori will audit your website for the ONE biggest change you can make to your site to get more clients. Schedule here.

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