48: The Most Underappreciated Worker on Your Team – Even if You are a Solopreneur

Title: The Power of a Good Website for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you know that every aspect of your brand matters. And one of the most important parts of your brand is your website. In a recent podcast episode, Lori Lyons, host of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, shared valuable insights into what makes a good website and why it’s so important for small businesses.

According to Lori, a website is the foundation of all marketing efforts. It’s the first impression potential customers get of your business, and it serves as your representative to the outside world. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to what your website looks like online.

So, what makes a good website? Lori suggests that a good website should have a clear design flow and user experience. Your logo should be in the upper left-hand corner or center of the top of the website, and the navigation should be easy to use. Additionally, using photos of yourself instead of stock photos can help show the personality and brand of your business.

Lori also emphasizes the importance of customer experience and keeping in mind what your customers want. She suggests that businesses should focus on the symptoms of the problems they solve, as this will help potential clients recognize themselves in those symptoms.

Furthermore, Lori advises businesses to have a clear call to action on every page of their website. The call to action should be very prominent and tell the visitor what to do next. She also emphasizes the importance of speaking the client’s language and talking in terms that they understand.

Creating valuable content for your website is also important. Lori suggests identifying the most common questions that potential clients have and writing out the answers. This can be added to a “FAQ” section on your website. Additionally, creating a series of blogs that cater to different levels of expertise can provide value to visitors and position you as an expert in your field.

Lori also stresses the importance of having a lead magnet, which is an opt-in that provides value to visitors in exchange for their email address. This allows you to develop a relationship with potential clients and market to them in the future.

In conclusion, having a website is a never-ending circle of goodness that can do a lot for your business. It’s essential to have a website that represents your business well and is easy to navigate. A good website can work for your business 24/7, like a little person toiling away in the basement, and can help you attract and convert potential customers. So, take the

Check out this episode!


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