31: LinkedIn – YES It’s Good for Business

**5 Tips for Building Your Business on LinkedIn**

Are you looking to build your business on social media, specifically LinkedIn? In this podcast episode, leadership coach Linda Yates shares her tips and strategies for using LinkedIn to grow your business. Here are 5 takeaways from the episode:

1. Be Selective: Linda emphasizes the importance of being selective when accepting connection requests on LinkedIn. Look for individuals who are a good fit for your business and have potential synergies.

2. Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to messaging and engagement on social media. Post regularly and respond to others in a timely manner.

3. Be Thought-Provoking: To attract potential clients and partners, Linda recommends being thought-provoking in your posts and articles.

4. Be Strategic: Use LinkedIn groups for targeted messaging and promotion of your programs. However, be careful about what you post on LinkedIn, as it is not the place for personal updates or casual content.

5. Provide Value: Linda emphasizes the importance of providing value to your audience on social media. Consider starting a blog or newsletter that they can read at their leisure.

By following these tips, you can effectively use LinkedIn to grow your business and connect with potential clients and partners. Remember to be intentional and strategic in your approach, and always provide value to your audience. Happy networking!

Check out this episode!


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