113: Creating Your Dream Business

Creating Your Dream Business: Tips from the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast

Are you tired of the traditional nine-to-five grind and dreaming of starting your own business? In the latest episode of the Encore Entrepreneur podcast, host Lori Lyons shares valuable insights on how to create your dream business.

Lori emphasizes the importance of knowing your passion and finding something that sustains you through difficult times. However, she also acknowledges that not everyone will be as passionate about your business as you are, so it’s crucial to determine if there is a need for it in the market.

To stand out from the competition, Lori suggests playing to your strengths and finding a unique value proposition. She encourages listeners to find their own “funny money lady” like her accountability partner, Melissa, who has a unique selling point.

While business plans may not be everyone’s favorite task, Lori notes that they are not always necessary from the start and can evolve as the business grows. She advises focusing on setting up the infrastructure of the business, such as legal and tax considerations.

Lori also stresses the importance of having a marketing strategy, which can take clients on a journey that makes sense and helps the business stand out. She encourages listeners to keep learning and adapting, swiveling like one foot while the other stays still.

Finally, Lori invites listeners to grab a free resource on the top 10 messy marketing mistakes entrepreneurs make and join her private Facebook group, Make Your Marketing Simple.

In conclusion, creating a dream business involves knowing your passion, finding a unique value proposition, and having a solid marketing strategy. With Lori’s advice, you can turn your dream business into a reality.

Check out this episode!


Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing? Messy to Magnetic: Unlocking the Secret to Effective Marketing is a free course that goes over the top 10 mistakes small business owners make with attracting their ideal client and converting those clients to leads. Click here for your free gift!

Join Lori’s private Facebook group – Make Your Marketing Simple. Lori interviews her guests in the group (giving you advance listening!) and has a community of small business owners just like yourself to connect and grow their businesses. Join now!

Schedule a Website Biz Accelerator. Answer just a few questions and Lori will audit your website for the ONE biggest change you can make to your site to get more clients. Schedule here.

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