36: Why Having a Point of View is Important to Your Business

How Having a Point of View Can Transform Your Business and Personal Life

Are you struggling to stand out in your business or personal life? Do you feel like you’re just blending in with everyone else? Lori Lyons, host of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, has a solution for you: establish a point of view.

But what exactly is a point of view? According to Lori, it’s not just a marketing message. It’s a unique perspective on the world that you want to share with others. It’s the lens through which you see the world and what you want people to know. And it can be one of the most rewarding things you can do for your business and personal life.

Lori credits her coaches, Larry Wingett and Suzanne Evans, for teaching her about the importance of a point of view. And she’s not alone – many successful entrepreneurs and speakers have emphasized the significance of having a point of view. It can differentiate you from others in your field and be a guiding light for your business.

But developing a point of view can be challenging. It requires a lot of thought and reflection. And it’s important to have someone who can challenge and ask questions about it. You want to make sure your point of view is something you want the world to know, evokes an emotion, and is clear.

Lori’s own point of view is that perfection doesn’t exist, and good enough is usually sufficient. This mindset has helped her in various ways, such as not striving for perfection in cleaning her house or going to the gym. And when speaking to an audience, making a point of view hit everyone in a subtle way can make them sit up and take notice.

But what about the problem of excluding potential clients who don’t fit the perfect ideal? Lori advises being open-minded and not letting perfectionism get in the way. Split testing and tweaking can help improve marketing messages and attract ideal clients.

The pursuit of perfection can hinder progress in both personal and professional endeavors. It can result in lost revenue, stifled creativity, and missed opportunities. Lori encourages listeners to recognize their perfectionist tendencies and take action despite them. It’s important to acknowledge the need for tweaking and recognize that very few things in life are truly permanent.

Establishing a point of view can lead to a clearer vision for your business, family, and personal life. It’s not just about standing out – it’s about sharing your unique perspective with the world. So take action and put yourself out there, even if

Check out this episode!


Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing? Messy to Magnetic: Unlocking the Secret to Effective Marketing is a free course that goes over the top 10 mistakes small business owners make with attracting their ideal client and converting those clients to leads. Click here for your free gift!

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