35: Stepping into the Red Circle of TEDx with Maija-Liisa Adams

**Why Every Business Owner Should Consider Giving a TEDx Talk**

If you’re a business owner looking to establish credibility and gain exposure, giving a TEDx talk might be just the thing for you. In a recent podcast, expert coach Maija- Liisa Adams explains that TEDx talks are a powerful tool for entrepreneurs to share their unique perspectives and ideas with a global audience.

Adams emphasizes that applying for a TEDx talk is something that every business owner should consider, regardless of their level of fame or expertise. In fact, she notes that the best speakers are often those who are new to speaking and have a fresh perspective to share.

But how do you prepare for a TEDx talk? Adams stresses the importance of coaching to help develop ideas and ensure they add value to the conversation. She also offers ten tips on her website for those interested in giving a TEDx talk, including coming up with a unique idea and being different from what has been said before.

Adams also discusses the differences between TED and TEDx talks, with TEDx talks being more conversational and idea-based, with a maximum time limit of 18 minutes. She encourages people to speak about what they are passionate about and to share their knowledge and experiences with others.

Giving a TEDx talk can be a great way to establish credibility and gain exposure for your business. It’s important to tailor your talk to the specific event and audience, and to focus on tangible outcomes and the process used to achieve them. And with over 4,000 independently organized TEDx events around the world, there’s no shortage of opportunities to share your message.

So what are you waiting for? Consider applying for a TEDx talk and sharing your unique perspective with the world. And if you need guidance and support along the way, Maija- Liisa Adams is here to help.

Check out this episode!

Maija-Liisa’s Free Gift: 10 Things a TEDx Organizer Looks for in a TEDx Speaker

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