
221: Is Professionalism in the Workplace All About Appearance?

In this episode of “The Encore Entrepreneur,” Lori delves into the significance of professionalism, appearance, and confidence in the workplace. She explores generational differences, noting that older generations often link professional attire with respect and credibility, while younger generations value individuality and comfort. Lori underscores the importance of aligning one’s appearance with the expectations of […]

221: Is Professionalism in the Workplace All About Appearance? Read More »

220: Elevating Your Bottom Line with Style with Deborah Fawaz

In this podcast episode, Lori and Deborah Fawaz, a personal stylist and makeup artist, delve into the significance of appearance, color analysis, makeup, and clothing choices. Lori underscores the impact of first impressions, while Deborah explains color analysis and its role in selecting suitable clothing and makeup. They discuss the importance of makeup for professional

220: Elevating Your Bottom Line with Style with Deborah Fawaz Read More »

215: How Can Comedy and Improv Skills Enhance Your Business Branding? With Hersh Rephun

In this episode of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, Lori interviews Hersh Rephun, founder of Yes Brand. They delve into Hersh’s diverse background in stand-up comedy, advertising, and filmmaking, and how these experiences have shaped his unique approach to branding and messaging. Hersh emphasizes the importance of humor and improv skills in business, explaining how they

215: How Can Comedy and Improv Skills Enhance Your Business Branding? With Hersh Rephun Read More »

127: Building Your Branding Secret Weapon

Have you ever wondered how successful businesses create their unique brand identity? In this episode of “The Encore Entrepreneur,” Lori  introduces the concept of a character diamond, a framework used in branding to identify key traits of a person or company. The character diamond is a useful tool for developing a brand with dimension and

127: Building Your Branding Secret Weapon Read More »

126: Branding Secrets for Your New (Or Changing) Business with Stacey Ruth

In this podcast episode, Lori and Stacey Ruth discuss the importance of leadership skills, personal branding, and strategy in building a successful business brand. They emphasize the need for individuals to identify their personal values, goals, and voice to create a strong personal brand that aligns with their business goals. Stacey offers insights into the

126: Branding Secrets for Your New (Or Changing) Business with Stacey Ruth Read More »

95: Differientiating Your Business

“Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace: Differentiating Your Business” Are you tired of blending in with your competitors and struggling to stand out? In this episode is some valuable advice on how to differentiate yourself in business and branding. Differentiation is the key to drawing clients and customers to your business. One way to do

95: Differientiating Your Business Read More »

94: The Secret to Differentiating – How it Can Make Your Business Stand Out

**5 Tips for Standing Out in a Competitive Industry** Are you struggling to differentiate yourself in a crowded industry? Look no further than Laura Doman, a voiceover artist and actress who has found success in a competitive field. In a recent podcast episode, Laura shared her tips for standing out and finding success in any

94: The Secret to Differentiating – How it Can Make Your Business Stand Out Read More »

81: Becoming an Expert in Your Field to Have Impact

Are you looking to become an expert in your field? Look no further than the advice of Lori Lyons, host of the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast. According to Lori, becoming an expert requires hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning. This may mean reading books, surrounding yourself with other experts, and challenging the status

81: Becoming an Expert in Your Field to Have Impact Read More »

80: Engaging and Impacting Your Audience with David Doerrier

Hi **Engaging Your Audience: Tips and Strategies from Presenting Pro David Dorrier** If you’ve ever been tasked with giving a presentation, you know how daunting it can be to keep your audience engaged and interested. Lucky for us, David Dorrier, founder of Present Your Way to Success, has some great tips and strategies to make

80: Engaging and Impacting Your Audience with David Doerrier Read More »

73: Self Care is NOT Just for Self! How Self Care Can Affect Your Business As Well!

**Becoming Your Best Self: Tips from the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast** We all want to be our best selves, but how do we achieve that? In the Encore Entrepreneur Podcast, host Lori Lyons shares her thoughts on what it takes to become our best selves. For Lori, being our best selves means having integrity, self-awareness, and

73: Self Care is NOT Just for Self! How Self Care Can Affect Your Business As Well! Read More »